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The Darkest Part of the Night Page 26

  There was no accusation in the question. It was just a question, probing McCain’s thought processes.

  He looked into the older man’s eyes. “I could have shot al-Razi in the back as soon as I had a clear shot. He was armed and I don’t think anyone would have questioned the legality of it.”

  “And why didn’t you?”

  “Two reasons. Number one, I wasn’t a hundred percent sure that it was him. I’d only seen pictures of him and I just got a quick glimpse of his face as he ran out of the student center. And number two, if we could’ve taken him alive, there’s no telling what we could’ve learned from him.”

  “Assuming that he would talk.”

  “Oh, I’m sure that you guys could have persuaded him to talk,” Chuck said.

  The Admiral nodded and smiled. “Your instincts were dead on. Rebecca would have wanted you to try and arrest him. I’m so sorry it ended up the way that it did, but I want you to know that no one holds you responsible in any way. I understand that you just got back from visiting her parents in North Carolina?”

  “I did. They’re great people,” he said. “They ended up comforting me as much as I comforted them.”

  “I know her stepfather, Danny. Good man. I hated to see him retire,” the Admiral said.

  Chuck had spent the previous afternoon and evening with Rebecca’s mother and stepfather. Her mom was an older version of Rebecca. Tall, blonde, athletic, and graceful. Danny Johnson was a retired Special Forces operator. He and Chuck talked late into the night on their back deck, sipping bourbon and smoking cigars.

  “So now, Mr. McCain, I want to discuss the future with you,” said Williams. “I’d like to make your appointment permanent as the agent in charge of the Atlanta office. The war with Iran is, for all practical purposes, over. However, we know that they’ve sent out many agents to do as much damage here as they can. Are you willing to continue the fight?”

  Chuck had expected that. It made much more sense to promote him than to bring someone else in from the CIA. Would the Admiral accept his recommendations and suggestions?

  An hour later, the men had reached an agreement. Chuck told the Admiral that he would accept the promotion. Admiral Williams had agreed to most of what Chuck asked him for. He then reached onto his desk and picked up two manilla folders, handing them to McCain.

  “That bag that al-Razi was carrying had a cell phone in it. We were able to retrieve some important intel off of it. We think we know who the terrorist was inside the stadium. Everything we have on him is in the top file.”

  “Do we know if he’s alive?”

  “It looks that way. At least his phone is still in use. I can’t believe that he hasn’t dumped it, but for the moment anyway, he’s still using it. He, or someone associated with him, killed a concessions supervisor inside the stadium and stole his car right before the infection started there. The victim’s credit cards were used over the next two days. I’d like for you and your men to try and find this Terrell Hill. The information hasn’t been released to the FBI yet. We’ll sit on it for a couple of weeks and give you guys a chance to work.”

  Chuck nodded. “Thank you, sir. We’ll get right to work on it. And the second folder?”

  “This is some fresh intelligence about what we think is going to be the next wave of bio-terror attacks. It’s scary stuff and I hope you and your men can get ahead of it.”

  “We’ll do our best, Admiral. I’ll keep you updated.”

  “Very good. Well, before I let you go, would you join me for a drink?”

  Williams walked over to a cabinet, opened it, and retrieved two glasses and a bottle of Glenlivet 18-year old Scotch. He poured some into the tumblers and handed Chuck one. They clinked glasses and the Admiral said, “Here’s to Rebecca. She was a wonderful lady and a true patriot. God bless her memory.”

  They drained their Scotch, shook hands, and the young CIA agent materialized to escort Chuck back to the airport. As the small jet reached its cruising speed, McCain was immersed in reading the information that Admiral Williams had given him. This war was far from over.

  Thank you so much for reading The Darkest Part of the Night. I really hope you enjoyed it. If you did, would you consider giving me a review on Amazon? Reader reviews are so important for authors and it will help us get the word out to more people about the Zombie Terror War Series.

  The third volume of the series, When the Stars Fell from the Sky, will be out soon. Iranian agents are determined to destroy America and Chuck and the guys are working hard to stop them and eliminate as many zombies as they can. Chuck is still reeling from the loss of Rebecca but the he has to stay focused in the fight.

  To find out a little more about me and my other books, including my non-fiction work, please check out my website at